Don't Let Spring Cleaning Stress You Out: Create Kid-Friendly Spaces and Enjoy the Ride!

sign stating this house was clean yesterday we're sorry you missed it

Spring means more joyful days outdoors and lots of activities indoors, as well. The right organization and cleaning routine means more time to reset and refresh with your squad.

With the arrival of spring comes the much-needed time for decluttering and organizing your homes. But, as a mom, it can be totally overwhelming to tackle the cleaning and organizing process alone, especially with kids in tow. So with the much needed balance of clean and kids, let’s dig into creating kid-friendly spaces as part of your spring cleaning routine, shall we?.

Now, I know what you're thinking. "Kid-friendly spaces? Yeah, right. My house is already a disaster zone!" But hear me out. By creating designated areas for your kids' toys, art supplies, and other activities, you can actually make your home feel more organized and less cluttered.

Spring cleaning means creating designated spaces for your kids’ toys, art supplies, and other activities to make your home feel more organized and less cluttered.

Let's start with toys. If your kids are anything like mine, they probably have toys scattered all over the house. To corral the chaos, consider investing in some storage solutions like toy bins or shelving units. You can even involve your kids in the process by letting them choose which toys they want to keep and which ones they're ready to donate or pass down to younger siblings.

Next up, let's talk about art supplies. As a mom, I love seeing my kids get creative, but I don't love finding bits of paint and slime all over the house. To keep art supplies contained, create a designated art corner or organizational system in your home. You can use storage containers or even repurpose an old dresser or table to store art supplies like markers, paper, and glue.

To keep art supplies contained, create a designated art corner or organizational system in your home.

Now, let's talk about activities. With the warmer weather on the horizon, your kids are probably itching to spend more time outside. Create a designated play area in your backyard or even just in a corner of your living room. You can set up a teepee or play tent for imaginative play, or invest in some outdoor toys like a mini trampoline or water table.

Finally, let's talk about books. If your kids love to read as much as mine do, you know that books can quickly take over your living space. To keep books organized and easily accessible, create a designated reading nook in your home. You can use bookshelves or even just a cozy corner with some floor pillows and a blanket.

I know, I know—spring cleaning can be daunting, but by creating kid-friendly spaces in your home, you can make the process feel less overwhelming. Plus, your kids will love having their own designated areas to play and create. So, put on some music, grab a cup of coffee (or wine!), and get to decluttering! Your design(ed) home awaits!